Friday, March 30, 2007

Abbas to Israel: The Saudi Plan or War

Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen), terrorist president of the palestinian authority says Israel should accept the Saudi "peace plan" or raise its alert status.

Of course the Saudi plan (which the arabs call non-negotiable) is more a declaration of war than a plan for peace anyway.

(By the way, at the arab summit, the Saudis called for the end of the "occupation" of Iraq as well.)

It's all big talk from the royal family who can't do anything other than bleed their people for their own gain by taking the vast majority of the profits from their oil. It comes from the same country who couldn't produce their own oil and had to essentially nationalize the oil industry after foreign investors created an infrastructure to capitalize on their huge reserves. It comes from a country whose airforce can't maintain or fly the fighter jets it's purchased from the US.

The Saudis, like the rest of the Islamic countries of the middle east, would be eating sand if they didn't have oil. None of these countries has any economy besides oil. They produce nothing of any value for the world other than oil.

Their only export besides oil is terror.

Since the palestinians have no oil, all they can do is leech off of the countries who would give them money. The leadership steals most of this and a sizable portion of what's left goes to arming terrorists. What's left goes to the people.

Unfortunately, there are actually some countries who see the Saudi plan as a real proposal.

These countries fall into several categories:

  • Those who are ignorant of the realities and history of the Middle East.
  • Naive countries who actually believe that arab peace proposal isn't an oxymoron.
  • Islamic countries (no need for any further explanation).
  • Anti-Semitic countries who would love to see Israel (and all Jews) cease to exist.
I'm hoping that the US doesn't really fall into any of these categories, although Condy Rice sure makes it seem like it does.

Anyway, the leaders of the western world need to wake up and accept that the modern Islamic world movement's goal is world domination. Then, it needs to take the strong actions necessary to ensure that no Islamic country can threaten anyone.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

"Piece" Plan

Condy Rice is strong-arming Israel to agree to the Saudi "peace plan."

Saudi Arabia's proposal for peace is:

  • Israel withdraw from all land outside of the 1967 border.
  • Create an independent palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
  • In return, the arab countries will recognize Israel.
I have a counter-offer:
  • All Islamic (Arab, Persian, etc.) countries recognize Israel's right to exist and agree to peace.
  • Jordan contribute land to an independent palestinian state (since it was a part of "palestine" as was Israel).
  • Israel has already given the Sinai to Egypt. Egypt should contribute part of the Sinai to the new palestinian state.
  • Arabs currently living in Israel should be relocated to the new "palestinian" state and all Jews living in Islamic countries should be allowed to relocate to Israel with their personal wealth and belongings.
  • Jews who choose to remain in Islamic countries and Arabs who choose to remain in Israel agree to be law-abiding citizens.
  • America, which clearly has no idea of what to do in the Middle East should get out and stop meddling. If America is threatened or attacked, it should bomb the country from which the attackers came until it is incapable of any further aggression.
Now, that's fair and balanced.

So, Condy - shut up and go home. Maybe go back to school and study the real world for a while. But certainly take your pro-Arab, pro-oil ideas and put them somewhere where they'll never be heard again.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Sanctions Won't Stop Iran

"If all of you gather and also invite your ancestors from hell, you will not be able to stop the Iranian nation" from pursuing its nuclear ambitions.

This is what Iran's Ahmadinejad said regarding UN sanctions.

Add this to his call for the annihilation of Israel and the US. Add this to his taunting of the US and claims that it can do nothing. Add this to his direct control of Hezbollah -- probably the largest terrorist group in the world. Add this to a long history of direct and indirect attacks by Iran and its agents against the western world.

The total is a clear picture of a dedicated enemy who feels he can act with impunity. One who has seen that for over 50 years, the US has been unwilling or afraid to use the full force of its military power. One who sees that Israel now bows to world opinion and so is unlikely to do anything to stop him.

Ahmadinejad also said "the Security Council today has no legitimacy among world nations."

He may be insane, but he appears to be committed to his own goals. Unfortunately, we cannot say this of western leaders.

We have allowed Iran to work longer and to develop more lethal weapons than we let Nazi Germany during the 1930's.

When Iran finally decides to begin its fight against the west in earnest, we will be fighting a much stronger and different enemy than we had in WWII. Iran will have nuclear weapons, intercontinental delivery systems, chemical weapons, biological weapons, a vast network of Islamic terrorist groups operating throughout the world and the ability to strike us and our allies from inside our own countries using terrorist "sleeper" cells.

Iran will not hesitate to use any and all of their weapons without any regard for the consequences.

With massive destructive capabilities and the zeal of kamikaze fighters, Iran will unleash a war that is unlike anything the world has ever seen.

That is unless we comprehensively respond to the threats they make today.

Negotiations, sanctions and the other "weapons" of the modern world have never avoided conflict nor caused any country to alter its path. In the history of the world, it is only military strength that has successfully stopped aggressors and ended conflicts.

We must:

  1. Eliminate Hezbollah.
  2. Identify and disable every terror sleeper cell in every western country.
  3. Identify and destroy all stockpiles of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons components in Syria and Iran.
  4. Destroy all of Iran's delivery mechanisms (missiles, ships, subs, etc.).
  5. Destroy all of Iran and Syria's nuclear reactors and processing capabilities.
  6. Replace the leadership of Iran and Syria.
No, it's not politically correct. It's called self-preservation. Wake up and smell the coffee!

They Don't Like Me

PM Olmert yesterday said that he knew he was unpopular. He said that if he spent more time working on himself [sic] instead of working on Israel, he would be more popular.

It does seem clear that the more he does, the more he screws up, so doing less for the country would probably help. PM Olmert and defense minister Peretz are unparalleled in Israeli history for their incompetence.

Olmert's failed policies (disengagement, etc.) and unwavering commitment to them despite overwhelming evidence of their inefficacy shows that he and his government are hopeless.

The question isn't if the current government will be changed, it is only a question of how and how soon.

Will it be dissolved by the Knesset or will Kadima find a way to replace the individual leaders to try to maintain power for the party?

In the meantime, former PM Netanyahu stands on the sidelines, licking his lips in anticipation of becoming PM once again while Tzippy Livni quietly hopes for her boss' job.

As in the US, where we haven't seen a decent Presidential candidate in many years, there aren't any good candidates for PM, just less bad ones.

Nor is there a party whose policies for the country can be clearly labeled the right ones.

As in the US, there seems to be no common sense among Israeli politicians today. Self preservation is no longer a priority and self interests are subjugated to world opinion.

So, it is too much to hope that any new government will do what's necessary to ensure the safety and future of Israel. But, it is unlikely that the new PM will be as unpopular as Olmert -- he's an easy act to follow.

Cease Fire Still in Effect

The new pa unity government is clearly in power and committed to all of the agreements of the previous government.

So, the cease-fire that was agreed to last year continues in effect with 5 Kassam rockets fired into Israel in the Negev.

We've learned over the past year that daily Kassam rocket attacks on Israel are a key element of any palistinian cease-fire.

Interestingly, the world finds nothing news-worthy about Kassam rockets being fired at innocent civilians during a cease-fire.

Where are the headlines? "Arabs Continue Firing Rockets at Innocents" or "PA Breaks Cease-Fire" or "Despite Agreement, Rockets Continue"

No, these headlines will never appear in any newspaper outside of Israel. Nor will the almost daily barrage of rockets be considered as justification for any military action by Israel.

Perhaps the reason why Israel is expected to tolerate these rocket attacks is because by trying to kill Israelis, Arabs are treating them just as they treat other Arabs. Perhaps Israelis should accept Kassam rockets as an indication of Arab acceptance.

Or, perhaps Israel should take a Zero tolerance stance against Arab violence to protect its citizens and show the world that it still has some self respect.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

EU: Golan Should Belong to Syria

In yet another show of European pro-Arab sentiment, the EU's foreign minister (Javier Solana) said recently that he believes the Golan belongs to Syria.

The statement came as part of Solana's visit to the Middle East which included Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

Apparently he couldn't get a flight to Israel.

PA Unity Gov't - Same Terrorists... New Name

The palestinian authority (pa) has presented a new list of ministers to pa chairman Abu Mazen representing the new "unity" government.

The unity government does not recognize Israel and does not renounce terrorism.

What's different about the "new" government? For Israel -- nothing. For palestinians -- nothing. For the world -- nothing.

Different arabs, same agenda.

Where's the Money?

The palestinian authority's (pa) new finance minister (Salam Fayed) has discovered that more than 700 hundred million dollars transferred to the pa since Hamas rose to power have "disappeared."

The only conceivable reason for this declaration is that the new finance minister wants "deniability" in the misuse of the "humanitarian aid" to the palestinians.

What does "disappeared" mean in this case? How much has gone to weapons? Bribes? Graft? Corruption in the government? (I assume Mrs. Arafat has enough money now that she no longer gets millions every year from the pa.)

What a wonderful illustration of how much the palestinian leadership cares about their people.

Humanitarian aid "disappearing" strongly supports the image of the "poor palestinians" who suffer... at the hands of their own leadership!

If Arab nations or the pa actually cared about the palestinians' economic condition, it would have been improved many years ago.

When will the world realize that it is because the palestinians are the political pawns of Arab leaders that they suffer -- not because of Israel or Jews.

Do some research. Find out how much charitable aid is given to Arabs by Jews around the world. Then subtract all of the humanitarian aid that's "disappeared" from the amount given by the rest of the world to see who's really helping.

Arab Intrangisence

So, the latest "outrage" from Arab countries stems from Israel's lack of enthusiasm for the "Saudi Peace Plan."

To summarize the Saudi plan:

1. Israel should withdraw to its 1967 borders (before they won strategically important areas in bloody battles with its Arab neighbors).
2. Give the palestinians anything else they want.

In return, the Arab nations promise nothing of any substance.

Since the formation of the state of Israel, surrounding Arab countries have started multiple wars with Israel (losing all of them), continually terrorized the Israeli people, killed thousands of innocent Israeli civilians, fomented unrest within the Arab communities that are in Israel, subsidized Arab terrorism and continually tried politically to undermine Israel's security.

According to the Arabs, the source of all problems in the Middle East is Israel's existence.

Arabs have never suggested that a "two state solution" would bring peace. No palestinian group has ever recognized Israel's "right to exist." The only peace Arabs foresee is one without an Israel.

What is the point of "negotiations" when one side is unwilling to budge from it demands? How can you design a "win-win" solution when "winning" for one side is defined as the other side "losing"?

Israel has the right to its currently "occupied" lands. The right is documented in the bible. There is clear, historical evidence of Jewish settlement of the land throughout the centuries as there is clear historical evidence of Jews being forcibly expelled from their homeland long before it was even called "palestine."

If there is any "right of return" it is for Jews to return to the land they were given by G-d.

It will happen, one way or the other. Am Yisroel Chai!