Monday, September 24, 2007

Why Release Arab Terrorists?

In August, PM Olmert released 250 terrorists from prison to "strengthen and support Mahmoud Abas" aka Abu Mazen the "palestinian president" and leader of the Fatah terrorist organization. Allegedly, this support is a counter to the growing strength of the Hamas terrorist organization which took over Gaza earlier this year.

Yesterday, one of the released terrorists was arrested in Khalil (south of Shechem) after shooting at IDF forces. He was found with numerous bombs and firearms.

Last week, a number of the released terrorists were arrested while planning a major terrorist attack.

All of these terrorists had previously pledged to cease their terrorist activities -- a precondition of their release from prison. (How can you tell an Arab is lying -- his lips are moving...)

What is Olmert thinking? Why is the US (presumably) encouraging the release of terrorist prisoners? Terrorists aren't converted by a stay in prison! They remain just as they were before their incarceration -- sub-human, murderous vermin who represent a real threat to civilization.

Bush, as incompetent as he seems to be, at least had the common sense to not release prisoners from Guantanamo (he should have just had them all shot in Iraq after interrogating them).

Releasing terrorists to prop up one terrorist organization against another is insanity.

Politically, supporting Fatah makes little sense since it is perceived as "moderate" by the world at large while Hamas is considered a terrorist group by at least some countries. As a result, it has a PR advantage over Hamas.

I'd rather fight an enemy that was recognized as evil by other countries rather than try to convince the world that the "moderate" group is, in fact, a terrorist organization as well.

Maybe Olmert should release Hamas prisoners? Please, don't anyone mention this idea to him.