Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hamas Leader Speaking about Israel and US

Listen to what Ismael Haniyah, the prime minister of the palestinian authority (PA) prime minister) has to say about Israel and the US at

How can the US and Israel listen to this garbage without declaring Hamas an enemy and declaring war against them?

When a foreign power makes a threat, it must be taken somewhat seriously.

If Russia or China made the threats that Hamas has made, I don't think the US would continue sending them money or arms as it does to Hamas via the palestinian authority. And in fact, we would probably declare a state of war!

It is time to remove Hamas from the equation of the Middle East!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hamas - One Mouth - Two Stories

It's like the old joke, "How can you tell when a Muslim is lying? His lips are moving."

Hamas leader and PA Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyeh is offering Israel another cease-fire. Almost simultaneously, yesterday, he vowed publicly to continue battling until Israel is wiped off the map.

There is no value in any palestinian peace offer as they have demonstrated since the beginning of their fight against Israel. Almost immediately after any "negotiated" peace or cease fire, palestinians begin their attacks -- suicide bombings and rockets aimed at civilians being their favorite forms.

Part of it is probably their rug-merchant mentality and part of it is the fact they do not value life as most of the western world does. Mothers enthusiastically watch and even encourage their children to strap bombs to themselves to kill innocent Israelis. Muslims kill other Muslims as readily as they kill "infidels". Sunnis kill Shiites, Shiites kill Sunnis, one palestinian group kills another and on and on.

When will the world wake up? These people do not share the values of "civilized" peoples and cannot be expected to act like western countries.

It's time to stop listening to their rhetoric and respond to their actions!

Lebanese Shell "Palestinian Camp"

There are over 60 estimated fatalities in the clash between the Lebanese army and Fatah Al-Islam. This includes more than 20 soldiers, approximately 25 terrorists plus uncounted non-combatants in Nahr Al-Bard, Tripoli and Beirut.

Fatah Al-Islam is a terrorist group in Lebanon that is backed by Syria/Iran and a major element of Syria/Iran's strategy to take over Lebanon.

The group has been skirmishing with the Lebanese army recently and yesterday, the Lebanese army shelled Nahr Al-Bard, the center of the group's operations. The town is designated as a "Palestinian refugee camp" by Lebanon.

The fighting began in Tripoli when soldiers pursuing bank robbers accidentally raided a terrorist office and wound up fighting with Fatah Al-Islam forces.

The Lebanese government is deciding now whether it will send troops into Nahr Al-Bard.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Hamas: Wipe Israel Off the Map

A Hamas leader in Gaza, Nizar Riyan, says Hamas is determined to wipe Israel off the map and replace it with a "palestinian" state. He also called for bombing attacks in Ashkelon in addition to Sderot, according to Israel National News.

At the same time, Riyan said Hamas will pursue its goal even if PA leader Abu Mazen (aka Mahmoud Abbas) and other Arab states disagree.

Of course, these areas of Israel are well within its pre-1967 borders (where some Arab states have said Israel should withdraw to).

Arafat called for wiping Israel off the map and the PLO emblem on his fatigues showed "palestine" as encompassing all of Israel and the current terrorist leaders of the palestinians are no different.

It is time for Israel to take action and eliminate the real and present threat of the Arab terrorists with its borders and surrounding the country in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.

Rockets fall in Israel almost every day. It is only through the protection of G-d that more people haven't been hurt. It is time for people to do their part and not rely on the continuing miracles of protection by G-d.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Arab Students at Hebrew University

Arab students at Hebrew University in Israel marched and staged a demonstration to condemn the foundation of the state of Israel.

They condemn the government that provides them with higher education -- something they would not get in almost any Arab country in the region. Something they certainly would not get from the "palestinian" government which prefers to spend its money on rockets and terrorist explosive belts.

They protest in a manner that would get them thrown into jail in any Arab country in the region. And they protest against a government that provides them the freedom to say anything negative they want against it.

It's time for Israel to wake up and realize that the Arabs living within its borders are a growing security concern. It is time to take measures that will eliminate the growing threat that is created by Arabs living in Israel.

There are many cases of Arab Israeli spies (including Arab members of the Knesset), terrorist attacks and support of terrorists.

Certainly "not all Israeli Arabs are guilty" but we can't take the risk of having these people in the country. The US chose to inter Japanese Americans during WWII, fearing what they might do during the war. Israel has much greater reason and more basis for eliminating the threat posed by Arabs within its borders.

These Arabs should be moved to "palestinian" territories immediately as part of the move towards a "two state solution".

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Let Your People Go

The Mufti of Jerusalem has issued a ruling that forbids Muslims from leaving Israel!

This piles on top of the Hamas-affiliated "Association of Religious Sages of Palestine" [sic] ruling saying the same thing -- Muslims who live in Israel must stay there.

It isn't enough that Muslim countries account for well over 99% of the total land mass of the Middle East. They want to control a piece of land the size of New Jersey.

Since they have no historic, legal or moral claim to the land, they're going to just fill it with so many Muslims it will be like a ghetto overrun with rats and cockroaches.

Then, they can say, "See, we Muslims make up a majority in Israel and therefore, the Jews should leave."

The clear and stated goal of Muslims is to remove the Jews from Israel. If they can't do it through terrorism or pushing the rest of the world with their oil money, they will try to do it this way.

The Muslim war against Jews (and in the near future, Christians) is being fought on many fronts. The population front is one of the most insidious.