Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Democrats Without A Clue

Eighteen US congressmen (all Democrats) visited Israel this week and met with Abu Mazen and Salam Fayyad (the new PA Prime Minister).

In typical fashion, these congressmen were able to assess the current PA leadership and state unequivocally that Yasser Arafat was the problem in Israeli-palestinian relations, but Abu Mazen and Fayyad represent new leadership.

This deep insight came after a brief meeting with these leaders of the Fatah movement whose Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade is responsible for hundreds of deaths of innocent Israeli civilians.

The group included Muslim congressman Keith Ellison (the first congressman to take the oath of office with his hand on a Koran).

This group, plus a republican delegation that visited Israel a week ago, were both guaranteed by Fayyad that Fatah would not reunite with Hamas.

Why should they? Now, they can try to get a "three state solution" to the Middle East problems.

When will the west wake up and realize that the arabs in Israel have the same goal whatever their political party? They've been promoting the goal since the inception of the state -- the destruction of Israel.

They will regularly lie about their motives, goals and practices. They will kill innocent people while claiming they want "peace." They are laying siege to Israel (and the west) in ways we are too naive to see or too liberal to accept. The reality is there is no negotiating with this group because there is no room for them to compromise on their goal -- regardless of the leadership du jour.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Holland Gets It Right

Dutch Member of Parliament Geert Wilders said in a letter published in the De Volksrant newspaper that, “I have been saying this for years: there is no such thing as a moderate Islam.”

He went on to say that he was “fed up with Islam in the Netherlands," called for an end to Muslim immigration and that Holland should ban the Koran.

So, you're saying to yourself, "Maybe there is still some hope for Europe?"

Don't get too excited.

Apparently it is believed that the Netherlands Public Prosecutor’s Office will take the matter to court.