Sunday, April 29, 2007

French Arabs Attack Jewish Woman

In only the latest of numerous recent attacks on Jews in France, a Jewish woman was beaten, had her clothes slashed and had at least one swastika carved into her chest. You can read the article at Israel National News.

The French, in their usual bureaucratic style and in support of their own anti-Semitic position, has not admitted that the attack was an anti-Jewish one.

I don't have exact statistics, but it seems that reports of anti-Semitic beatings in France are on the increase.

We can only hope that by some miracle, Sarkozy is elected by the French and lives up to his rhetoric. If he does, he will be an unusual example of a Frenchman because he will have some integrity.

Just for the Record

Last week, there was an article in the Washington Post that talked about a rocket being fired into Israel by the palestinians as if it was the first time this had happened since the most recent "cease fire."

Just for the record, this week alone, there were 10 rockets fired by palestinians in Gaza into Israel.

I will occasionally post the number of rockets fired during any given week so we can keep some perspective of what "cease fire" means to arabs. It certainly has a different meaning to them than it does to most people in the world.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Arab Israelis As Bad As Any Arab

Five young Jews were attacked in Jaffa this past weekend by a group of ten Arab youths with sticks.

The Jews were able to escape in their car, but the car was damaged by the Arabs.

Jaffa (aka Yafo) is just south of Tel Aviv. In the heart of undisputed (by everyone except for the arabs who believe Israel should not exist) Israel.

This is only the latest in a long series of violence and bullying by Arabs in Jaffa.

Why do we let this continue? Why do we allow these animals to continue to live in Israel?

If they can't behave like civilized human beings, they should be deported to some "palestinian" area in Gaza or Lebanon or some real Arab country.

It is clear that arabs within Israel are emboldened by the actions of terrorists from Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran as well as the rhetoric of other Arab countries to perpetrate this type of violence. And, I fear that they will become an instrument of war used by Arab terrorist groups outside of Israel.

It is bad enough that Jews must tolerate violence and anti-Semitism throughout the world, in every country they live. They should not have to tolerate it in their own homeland.

Israel must be restored to being a Jewish homeland where Jews can live in safety and without fear of violence from anyone. Any Arab that commits a violent act against a Jew in Israel must be dealt with in the harshest way. They must be treated as they would be treated under Islamic law (where they would probably be killed) or removed from Israel so they can no longer threaten the peace of this struggling country.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Hezbollah Admits Iran Pulls The Strings

Hezbollah admitted today that every terrorist act it performs must be approved in advance by Iran.

What additional evidence does the western world need that Iran, Syria and terrorism are completely linked? If we eliminate Iran's ability to fund or support terror, much of it will stop.

Iran has taken all the actions necessary to justify the destruction of its military, oil and nuclear infrastructures. Its finances must also be frozen so it can no longer fund terror groups around the world.

Once we cut off the head, the tentacles (terrorist groups around the world) will be easier to destroy.

The result will be a much safer world!

Syria Says It will Move Into The Golan

A Syrian government representative said today that if Israel did not respond to the Arab League's proposal that Syria would move into the Golan Heights. This, to me, is either a threat or a declaration of war. In either case, Israel should respond quickly and decisively to this garbage.

Israel should issue a statement that the Golan belongs to Israel and that any move by Syrian troops or armament towards the border will be taken as an act of war. Then, if Syria does move, Israel must decisively respond to stop any advance. Israel must protect its territories.

As you probably know, the Arab League "proposal" referenced by the Syrian representative is more of an ultimatum than a peace proposal itself. It said Israel must pull back to it's pre-1967 borders. The league's "proposal" says that the Arab countries would recognize Israel in return. There has been no sign that any Arab country is willing to open discussions or negotiations with Israel that might lead to a cessation of hostilities.

UK Stops Teaching About Holocaust

The UK has removed the Holocaust from its school curricula because it offends their Muslim population who claim it never happened.

There were six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated by the Nazis. It is impossible for any educated person to believe otherwise. There is extensive documentation of the atrocities of the Nazis and their attempt to systematically exterminate the world's Jewish population.

The British are fools and unfortunately are just an indicator of how the world intends to deal with Islam. Following are some of the current world rules for dealing with Muslims:

  • Never make a joke that involves a Muslim or hostages will be taken, world leaders will be burned in effigy and violent protests will be staged around the world.
  • Do not draw cartoons depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammed or death threats will be issued, countries will demand apologies, westerners will be beaten and flags will be burned.
  • Be sure to follow any statement about Muslim terrorists with multiple statements praising the (silent and invisibl) "moderate Muslims" who are still being sought out. (Perhaps we should offer a reward for one.)
  • Justify the killing of innocent people around the world by Muslims by pointing out that Israel exists.
  • And now, deny the fact that the Holocaust happened because these ignorant, violent, anti-humans are trying to create their own.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Hamas and Islam

Palestinian Media Watch (PMA) has recently translated a sermon given by Dr. Ismail Radwan on Palestinian Authority (PA) TV.

In it, Radwan states that "The Hour" (the Islamic resurrection and the end of days) is dependent on the killing of Jews by Muslims.

He also says that summits and negotiations will not be the solution to the fight with Israel, only violence. Even the "trees and rocks" will say "there is a Jew hiding behind me, kill him".

Radwan ends his sermon with a prayer to allah to "take" Israel and the US.

You can read the sermon and see the video at

This is a classic example of how Muslims/Arabs operate. While speaking somewhat moderately in English, they state their true feelings in Arabic.

There was a time in world history where this talk, promoted and subsidized by a "government", would be taken as a declaration of war.