Monday, November 5, 2007


It is only a matter of time before Musharraf's regime is tumbled by one opposition group or another.

Inevitably, the new power in Pakistan will be anti-American. They will resent American support of Musharraf and if, as is likely, the new leaders are associated with Taliban or Al Qaeda, they will be our active enemies -- armed with nuclear weapons.

In all probability, the new Pakistani leadership will be allied with Iran.

This is the perfectly legible handwriting on the wall.

So, what is America going to do about this?

Will moral relativism and liberal ideology rule the day, as it has for so long in the US? If so, we will "understand the feelings of the Pakistani people and..." subjugate our personal interests to theirs, destroying our security in the process.

Or will a renewed common sense and self-preservation instincts take over? Will we finally admit that people who openly call for our destruction cannot be ignored and can certainly not be allowed to attain nuclear powers? Will we do whatever is necessary to protect our country and its people?

I pray to G-d we will.