Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hamas - One Mouth - Two Stories

It's like the old joke, "How can you tell when a Muslim is lying? His lips are moving."

Hamas leader and PA Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyeh is offering Israel another cease-fire. Almost simultaneously, yesterday, he vowed publicly to continue battling until Israel is wiped off the map.

There is no value in any palestinian peace offer as they have demonstrated since the beginning of their fight against Israel. Almost immediately after any "negotiated" peace or cease fire, palestinians begin their attacks -- suicide bombings and rockets aimed at civilians being their favorite forms.

Part of it is probably their rug-merchant mentality and part of it is the fact they do not value life as most of the western world does. Mothers enthusiastically watch and even encourage their children to strap bombs to themselves to kill innocent Israelis. Muslims kill other Muslims as readily as they kill "infidels". Sunnis kill Shiites, Shiites kill Sunnis, one palestinian group kills another and on and on.

When will the world wake up? These people do not share the values of "civilized" peoples and cannot be expected to act like western countries.

It's time to stop listening to their rhetoric and respond to their actions!

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