Tuesday, June 19, 2007

This Must Be a Joke

The Washington Post today said that the US and many EU countries are lifting their embargo against the palestinian authority (PA) to help Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen, one of the terrorist leaders of the 1970s) to combat the "anti-Israeli militant group Hamas."

Since when has Hamas merited being called something other than terrorists or killers? Since when did the PA become a supporter of Israel?

It is only because Fatah (the PA's terrorist arm, directed by Abu Mazen, which only has its own name for political and PR reasons) is busier killing other palestinians these days than Israelis.

It only shows how small these two groups of sub-human, terrorist scum are that they can't sustain their killing of innocent, Jewish civilians while they simultaneously fight among themselves.

Wake up, world!

Violence and killing is the preferred means of doing anything among these people. It has been the case for a very long time. It is part of their culture -- where life does not have the value or sanctity that it does to Jews or Christians.

And, please don't be surprised when the money and arms sent to the PA show up in the bank accounts of the PA leaders and on the streets of Israel, aimed at innocent women and children.

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